Nicanor Parra, from “The Preaching and Sermons of the Christ of Elqui”
translated from the Spanish by Brandon Holmquest
from “The Preaching and Sermons of the Christ of Elqui”
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in person!
Who after 1,977 years of religious silence!
Has graciously agreed!
To attend our gigantic Holy Week program!
To delight young and old!
With his with his wise and quick-witted witty wisdom!
O.L.J.C. needs no introduction!
He’s known all over the world!
It’s enough to mention his Glorious-Death-On-The-Cross!
Followed by his Resurrection! which was no less spectacular!
So how ‘bout a big hand for O.L.J.C.!!!!!!!
- Thanks for that applause
nevermind that it’s not for me
i’m ignorant but i’m no idiot
there are some speakers
who outdo themselves
to scare up some cheap applause
but i forgive them
since it’s just innocent fun
though they don’t have to be that way
seriousness is better than jokes
especially when you talk about the Gospel
if they laugh at me that’s just perfect
it wouldn’t be the first time
but not at O.L.J.C.
the public has the final say
Despite the fact i came prepared
really i don’t know where to start
i’ll start by taking off my glasses
don’t think that this beard is fake
22 years i haven’t cut it
my nails either
in keeping with the vow i made
long after it ended
since the promise was only for twenty
i haven’t cut my beard or my nails
just my toenails
in honor of my sainted mother
for this i’ve had to put up with
humilitations slander contempt
being that i never bothered nobody
only kept the sacred promise
i made when she died
not to cut my beard or my nails
for a space of twenty years
in honor of her sacred memory
to give up normal clothes
and replace them with a humble sack
now i can tell my secret
my penance being done
soon you’ll see me
newly dressed in normal clothes.
Don’t let them say that i’m a bum
who don’t know how i’ve lived
these twenty years my promise lasted
turning to the north and south of this country
and neighboring countries too
preaching my healthy thoughts
for the benefit of Humankind
though people called me crazy
hundreds of gatherings in jails and hospitals
in old folk’s homes
in Mutual Aid Societies
i wasn’t born to glorify myself
i was born to help my fellow humans
especially those with suffering souls
without caring about class distinctions
those with deadly diseases
or those with no one to turn to
and i never took a cent for it
it’s been a never-ending story
humiliations, mockery, belly laughs
to see me dressed in my humble sack
weeks months years and leap years
that i had no place to sleep
nobody wanted to give me shelter
i made enough money
selling my modest little books
(i have to date published 18)
more than enough to pay for a hotel
but nevertheless they turned me away
on one pretext or another
though i paid double or triple the price
if it wasn’t for the Chilean Police
i don’t know what i would have done.
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de “Sermones y prédicas del Cristo de Elqui” (Santiago, Ganymedes, 1979)
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en persona
que después de 1977 años de religioso silencio
ha accedido gentilmente
a concurrir a nuestro programa gigante de Semana Santa
para hacer las delicias de grandes y chicos
con sus ocurrencias sabias y oportunas
N. S. J. no necesita presentación
es conocido en el mundo entero
baste recordar su gloriosa muerte en la cruz
seguida de una resurrección no menos
un aplauso para N. S. J.
- Gracias por los aplausos
a pesar de que no son para mí
soy ignorante pero no cretino
hay algunos señores locutores
que se suelen pasar de la raya
por arrancar un aplauso barato
pero yo los perdono
por tratarse de bromas inocentes
aunque no debería ser así
la seriedad es superior a la chunga
sobre todo tratándose del evangelio
que se rían de mí perfectamente
ésta no sería la primera vez
pero no de N. S. J.
el respetable público dirá.
A pesar de que vengo preparado
realmente no sé por dónde empezar
empezaré sacándome las gafas
esta barba no crean que es postiza
22 años que no me la corto
como tampoco me corto las uñas
o sea que cumplí la palabra empeñada
más allá de la fecha convenida
puesto que la manda fue sólo por veinte
no me he cortado barba ni uñas
solamente las uñas de los pies
en honor a mi madre idolatrada
pero por las que tuve que pasar
humillaciones calumnias desprecios
siendo que yo no molestaba a nadie
sólo cumplía la sagrada promesa
que hice cuando ella murió
no cortarme la barba ni las uñas
por un lapso de veinte años
en homenaje a su sagrada memoria
renunciar a la vestimenta común
y reemplazarla por un humilde sayal
ahora les revelaré mi secreto
la penitencia ya se cumplió
pronto me podrán ver
nuevamente vestido de civil.
No se diga que soy un pordiosero
quién no sabe cómo me he ganado la vida
en estos 20 años que duró mi promesa
giras al sur y norte del país
como también a los países limítrofes
predicando mis sanos pensamientos
en beneficio de la Humanidad
aunque los cuerdos me tildaran de loco
cientos de conferencias en cárceles y hospitales
en Asilos de Ancianos
en Sociedades de Socorros Mutuos
Yo no nací para glorificarme a mí mismo
nací para ayudar a mis semejantes
en especial a las almas en pena
sin distinción de clases sociales
ya se trate de enfermos desahuciados
o de personas de escasos recursos
sin aceptar jamás una limosna
ha sido un cuento de nunca acabar
humillaciones burlas risotadas
al verme vestido con un humilde sayal
hubo semanas meses años bisiestos
que no encontraba donde dormir
nadie quería darme alojamiento
yo ganaba bastante dinero
con la venta de mis modestos libritos
(hasta la fecha llevo publicados 18)
más que suficiente para pagar un hotel
y sin embargo se me rechazaba
so pretexto de esto o de lo otro
aunque pagara el doble o el triple de la tarifa
A no mediar el Cuerpo de Carabineros de Chile
yo no sé qué hubiera sido de mí.
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Nicanor Parra, the great Antipoet of Chile, is on record saying that he thinks "faithful" or "literal" translation is impossible. He has repeatedly encouraged his translators to do whatever the hell they want in order to bring the sense of his work across. In this spirit, I have been very loose with the exact meaning of his words, trying instead to give the English reader a sense of Parra's irreverence and sarcasm, as well as his serious humanism. "Christ of Elqui" is one of Parra's great works. Presented here are a few sections from the poem's beginning. Further explanation seems unnecessary.
Brandon Holmquest edits this journal.
[Calque will be periodically featuring new translations of poetry or short prose. These translations will run on the front page for a week. The feature will then be given a permanent link in the translators page. To submit single pieces for online publication, email us.]Brandon Holmquest edits this journal.
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